In this article you will find out what a buzzer X is and how to use it

It is used for sound notification in those devices and systems, for the functioning of which a sound signal is required.
Technical description:

– Size (L*W*H): 40x24x24
– The speaker, depending on the signal applied to it, produces a sound in the range from 0 to 4000 Hz
– Operating voltage: 5V
– XH 3pin connector for connecting to another device

Functionality when connected to the RED X controller:

The buzzer makes sounds in the range from 0 to 4000 Hz.

Principle of operation

Sound occurs due to the inverse piezoelectric effect - the occurrence of mechanical deformations under the action of an electric field. In the reverse piezo effect, the application of voltage to the plate inside the piezo emitter causes its deformation, which in its turn leads to the generation of sound.

Connecting scheme

RED Code example
*The buzzer connected to the D1 port beeps for 1 second, then stops beeping for 1 second, after which the procedure repeats endlessly.
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