In this article you will find out what a servomotor X is and how to use it

It is an electromechanical device capable of setting its output shaft to a predetermined position and holding that angle.
Technical description:

– Size (L*W*H): 40x24x24
– The motor rotates the adapter part by -180°\+180° and fixes that part in given position
– Operating voltage: 5V
– F-Dupont 3pin connector for connecting to another device

Functionality when connected to the RED X controller:

Shaft rotates by selected angle from -180° to 180°.

Principle of operation

Servomotor’s principle of operation is based on using the pulse signal, which has three important characteristics - repetition rate, minimum and maximum duration. The pulse duration determines the rotation angle of the engine. The pulse signals received by the servo have a standard frequency, but their duration, depending on the model, can be from 0.8 to 2.2 ms. In parallel with receiving the control pulse, the reference pulse generator is activating, which is connected to the potentiometer. That, in its turn, is mechanically coupled to the output shaft and is responsible for correcting its position. The electronic circuit analyses the pulses taking into account the duration and, based on the difference value, determines the difference between the expected (given) position of the shaft and the real one (measured with a potentiometer). Then correction is made by applying voltage to the motor supply.

Servomotor connecting scheme

RED Code example
*The servomotor connected to port D1 rotates the shaft 180°, waits 2 seconds, then the servo connected to port D1 rotates the shaft 180°, waits 2 seconds, then the procedure repeats endlessly.
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